From Current Work in Progress - The Party Last Night?

Juniper glares at Mr. Julian.

“Ouch.” He covers his face with his hands, though Juniper is across the room.

“Why can’t you be angry at Delucca?” Juniper asks.  She has her own reasons.  At the party last night at Delucca’s house, Delucca brought up old gossip about Juniper, and even worse, Juniper’s mom disappeared.  “You gambled your future on a hot guy,” Delucca said.  Delucca hadn’t said it in front of her mom, at least this is what Juniper remembers.  This morning, Delucca had not been helpful in trying to find her mom.  “I have my own crisis,” she said.  At the time, she didn’t explain to Juniper what she meant.  And some time later when Juniper came over to talk about the evening she said, “Sarah’s back,” as if a headstrong spirit were enough of an excuse to account for her behavior the day after the party and her attitude now.  It didn’t account for Delucca’s otherwise complete selfishness in mostly talking about her problems with Roberto and whether or not to buy a real dog.  Juniper’s mother is still missing.  

“Delucca is desperate to be whatever normal is,” Mr. Julian says.  

Juniper can’t believe he’s defending her friend, especially when Delucca seems to have fixed her life in a matter of hours.  “Sarah’s presence doesn’t seem to be a problem for her anymore and she and Roberto are still going out of town on some resort vacation.”

“You mom vanished months ago, and everyone was drunk at that party.  They don’t remember any of it.”

What he’d said about the gossip Delucca spread at the block party was true.  Her friend, Vanessa didn’t remember the re-hashing of Juniper’s college trouble, though she knew about the toxic boyfriend and the rumors about rape.  

Everyone did.

“The party wasn’t months ago.  It was yesterday.” Juniper says.


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