WT- Rumors about Mickey

Emily and Big Sister on Emily’s tour of Mountain College and a conversation about her ghost boyfriend, Mickey.


“Would you let it go,” Big Sister says.  She reminds me Jillian can’t see Mickey in her visions.  


Maybe Big Sister is right?


“There was dinner,” Big Sister says.  “And because you bailed early, you got nothing, there’s no place to eat on this campus.”  She reminds me again how big a fool I am.  “The cheerleader, no one ever talks about her.  He totaled her car, made her dead, but you don’t see her around haunting people.”


“The latest I’ve heard is Mickey hangs around the Denman cafeteria.”


Big Sister huffs.  She isn’t impressed by my ghost stories how Mickey attended graduation last year and played in the band, dripped sweat like all the other band members, and after gobbled up celebration cake.  “And then there’s my aunt.”


“Swears she confronted a ghost and remembers his scar?”  Big Sister says.


I nod my head.  I’ve told Big Sister this story a dozen times about when Mickey came by my house and my aunt blamed him for our problems, but the interesting thing about my aunt’s version is she doesn’t believe in ghosts or anything paranormal.  She refuses to meet with Jillian, the psychic, even though I’ve asked her a dozen times to go with me.  


“Wasn’t she drinking?  No one stopped by the house like Ally says looking mean and then disappearing as she watched.”


Hot food keeps me from arguing the point with Big Sister.  I search for something better than a cold, chicken salad wrap, after skipping the tour.


“Eat the sandwich,” Big Sister says.


I’m thinking about it.  And even though we stop talking rumors about Mickey, the big one spread by Gitt Roberts to a crowd of her friends as they cozied up at her house eating meatloaf is about how I believe Mickey is my ghost boyfriend. (Only this isn’t a rumor, it’s true).  He asked me to prom.  The thin, wicked line above his lip quivered a little.  But like Big Sister said, it’s not the time to get into it. 



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